Samantha Sapen
Certified Meridian Stress Assessment Practitioner
My journey with Holistic wellness began with immune system education, where I improved my body’s defense against the toxic world we live in and was able to work myself off all pharmaceuticals. I began “cleaning up” our lifestyle by swapping harsh household products for natural options and became more conscious about what we keep around/put in our bodies. Anything to lighten the toxic burden to our system.
The more that I learned about how our body is able to heal itself, the more I wanted to continue digging into preventative ways to support our overall health and wellbeing. While off work, going through a family cancer journey, I began a continuing education course to become a Holistic Practitioner. Realizing that Holism is simply looking at the body from a root cause standpoint; I knew more people needed education on how to do this. Many do not realize there are natural ways to support the body that can be done in conjunction with your medical plan from your doctor.
I began looking into functional therapies of all kind. Many are widely known, like Chiropractic and acupuncture treatment, however there are some that seem to be more hidden than others. I discovered a natural way to support the body through energy frequencies and immediately knew this was what people were missing! I realized that all illness and disease can trace back to an imbalance of energy prior to manifesting into a chemical symptomatic reaction. I wondered, why weren’t people talking about this?
I went to visit an acupuncturist that used the Qest4 System and gained a plethora of knowledge on how bio-energetics works and how everyone has imbalances throughout their system. The amount of knowledge that we can obtain through meridian stress testing blew me away with its accuracy. I felt incredible leaving my appointment after my body was energetically balanced. After completing my Holistic course and seeing bio-energetics at work, I knew this is what I wanted to share with the world. People deserve to feel their best and it’s incredibly hard to obtain that without a way to balance the energy flow within your system.
I went on to become certified as a Meridian Stress Assessment Practitioner with the Qest4 technology, as it is the top of the line in bio-energetic testing. I cannot wait to help you find homeostasis and obtain a level of health you never knew was possible again! Energy therapy is the most fundamental way to support your body as a whole and address every ailment from a root cause perspective!