Bio-energetics is the transfer of energy and the basis for all living systems; Everything is proven to function at a specific vibrational frequency, including you!

Improve your health harmony through energy therapy

The future of medicine will evolve through frequencies.

Everything is energy, and everything can be influenced by energy.

Our bodies respond to vibration and sound; we can use this knowledge to restore energetic harmony to our health.

Meet Samantha…

Raised in Colorado, I spent much of my life connected to the outdoors. From skiing and soccer to snowmobiling and camping, I have always felt a tug toward the vast possibilities of nature and beyond. I attended Colorado State University and graduated with a bachelors in Hospitality Management, little did I know that it was preparing me to serve clients in a whole new industry one day. I first dipped my toes in alternative medicine and wellness when I joined the 4life organization in 2019. Once I realized I thrived in this space, I turned my sights towards holistic approaches to health and how we can’t just heal the body- - we must balance and heal the mind, spirit and emotions as well.

“The more alive your body is, the more you are in the world” - Alexander Lowen